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"Covered California," "California Health Benefit Exchange", and the Covered California logo are registered trademarks or service marks of Covered California, in the United States. The website is owned and maintained by James Milber/Milber Insurance Agency, which is solely responsible for its content. This site is not maintained by or affiliated with Covered California, and Covered California bears no responsibility for its content. the e-mail addresses and telephone numbers that appear throughout this site belong to James Milber / Milber Insurance Agency and cannot be used to contact Covered California.
is a government run shopping center for health plans, and is ideal for individuals who qualify for government subsidies. Businesses can also qualify for tax credits for small group health plans. Individuals & families may qualify for a subsidized health insurance premium and/or subsidized benefits if their income falls within the guidelines. Information is below to help you understand whether or not you qualify for subsidies/employer tax credits, and understand health reform with all of the many changes that are occuring for the new year. Milber Insurance can represent you as your agent on or off Covered CA, and help you determine your qualification for subsidies, and assist you in finding and enrolling an an appropriate plan.
To get a quote for a subsidized plan, please contact us so we can ask you the appropriate questions to determine your qualificationf or subsidies, and send you a personalized proposal.